Digital Divide or Motivation Divide

Feb 24, 2023

Today, more people in the world have access to the internet than clean water. Soon every person on earth will have a smartphone and with exploding development in AI, will have access to technology with increased functionality.

The world is going to change big way and to keep ourselves relevant we'll need to unlearn and relearn big way. Good news; we all are capable to learn and relearn. Bad news; Not everybody will do that. It is not about the capability to learn, it is about the willingness to learn.

Today, it is no more about the digital divide. It is about the motivation divide. If you can motivate yourself to learn and relearn, you will see new opportunities and unlimited possibilities.

Unfortunately, not everyone can motivate themselves. They will keep complaining and blaming the world for the lack of opportunities. And, the world would remain divided.

Which side of the motivation wall you are?
Isn't crossing the motivation wall easier than the digital divide?

Once, you can take care of your motivation, you will see how easier it is to meet the challenges that looked daunting.
Trust me, the grass is really greener on this side.

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